Pre-Seminar Workshops - CLOSED

AWWOA is hosting six different Pre-Seminar Workshops on Monday March 10th and Tuesday March 11th.

The Banff Centre - Kinnear Building

The Banff Centre - Kinnear Building

Changes for 2025






  • All workshops will now be hosted at The Banff Centre - Kinnear Centre Building - 107 Tunnel Mountain Drive. All details will be available in your registration confirmation.
  • Shuttle Bus - it is strongly recommended to take the free shuttle bus to and from the Banff Park Lodge as parking is extremely limited on-site at the new venue. CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR BUS SPOT.

NOTE: You must have a separate, paid registration to attend a workshop (NOT included in a full seminar registration).  If you have not received a receipt and confirmation of workshop registration, entrance will not be permitted.  On-site registrations or walkups are NOT accepted.

Date / Time

Session A

Session B

Monday, March 10th

8:30 am - 12:00 pm 

Workshop #1 - Water Closet to Water Body: A Guide to Upgrading Aging Wastewater Facilities
0.3 CEUs

SOLD OUT - Workshop #2 - Reservoir Construction – From Concept to Commissioning
0.3 CEUs

Monday, March 10th

1:00 pm - 4:30 pm 

Workshop #3 - Optimizing Wastewater Biology with Bioaugmentation: The Truth about Bacterial and Enzyme Supplements
0.3 CEUs

SOLD OUT - Workshop #4 -  Goldfish Invasion: Round 2 Knock-Out Punch
0.3 CEUs

Tuesday, March 11th

8:30 am - 12:00 pm 

Workshop #5 - Embedded Acoustic Leak Detection - Resolving Water Loss & Preventing Main Breaks
0.3 CEUs

SOLD OUT - Workshop #6 - Asset Management for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure
0.3 CEUs














  • $140 plus GST

Monday Workshop Lunch:

  • Lunch will be provided for anyone attending both the morning and afternoon sessions on Monday only.  Please advise if any dietary restrictions apply.

Shuttle Bus:

The Banff Centre Map

The Banff Centre Map

Onsite Parking:

  • Parking at the venue is extremely limited and registrants are highly encouraged to take the shuttle bus. If choosing to drive, registrants are responsible to follow all parking rules on-site. Failing to do so could result in a ticket or tow at your own expense.