1.2 CEUs
This two-day course will educate operators on the proper steps and procedures to deal with a water main break. You will learn how to respond to a call from the public and take away an understanding of available resources and materials to assist with the response, planning, communications, reporting, repair and re-instating the water service. Environmental impacts and isolation of water, various safety components and practices will also be reviewed.
This training also includes a hands-on review of a variety of the most up-to-date materials and equipment required for responding to water main breaks. This hands-on portion of the course will provide access to manufacture representatives on-site.
Hear from a variety of industry subject matter experts and professionals including, Operations, Contractor Management, Manufacture Reps and Regulatory Reps etc... The course is facilitated by AWWOA Instructor Terry Melnyk.
The CEUs from this course can be used toward the following discipline(s) for certification renewal:
• Water distribution
Delivery Formats
There are no available options for this course at this time - please contact .
1) Responding to water main breaks rationale and Glossary of Terms
2) Assessments, Communications, and Notifications -Assessing risks and corrective actions needed, Customer notifications, Alberta Environment notification/ Alberta Health Services / Public Health Advisories, Other stakeholders i.e., Fire department, Hospitals, Contractors etc., Assessing tracking and record keeping needs
3) Response Procedures - Understanding the different levels of water main breaks and how to respond accordingly, Main break classifications, Implementing corrective actions (SOPs), Valve isolation and leak detection/location, Excavation needs, Contractors / road closures etc., Reporting requirements re-assessment, customer awareness and notifications for all levels of water breaks
4) Breakdown of the 4 levels of water main breaks
5) Choosing the proper materials and introduction to repair materials
6) Hands-on installation of repair materials, clamps, saddles, and pipe repair materials
7) Roles and Responsibilities of Contractors - Approving contractors, Reviewing and overseeing the work by a qualified system operator
8) Asset Management - Update system as-builts, Consider capital planning needs to prevent future emergency repairs
9) Disinfection and testing requirements for each level of water break - Disinfection procedures, Flushing procedures, Bacteriological testing including logging, tracking
$500.00 Must have current AWWOA Membership
$600.00 Non-Members
$375.00 (For in-class courses only) Must have a current AWWOA Membership and be an operator of a small public rural water/wastewater facility.