9.0 CEUs
The course covers the basic mathematics skills required by a water or wastewater operator. It also gives practical experience in the application of this math to water and wastewater problems. This course will be of interest to operators who have difficulty with math or those who wish to upgrade their skills.
The CEUs from this course can be used toward the following discipline(s) for certification renewal:
• Water treatment
• Water distribution
• Wastewater treatment
• Wastewater collection
This course is available through correspondence only.
Course Completion Exam:
At the end of the course a completion exam will be given (proctor required). It consists of 15 questions. An overall minimum of 70% is needed to achieve a passing grade. If unsuccessful, one rewrite will be allowed.
Delivery Formats
Home Study,
Topics Include:
-The Importance of Mathematics - Basic math review, understanding fractions
-Use of Calculators and Estimation - estimation, conversion of fractions to decimals
-Area, Volume, Pressure and Electricity
-Metric System
-Problem Solving - solving equations, ratio and proportion, setting up problems
-Water Treatment calculation - retention time, filtration rate, dosage, chlorine mixing, water softening, water analysis, mixing of waters
-Water Distribution calculations - pressure, pumping rate, volume of pipe, flow rate and velocity, dosage, chlorine mixing, billing, accounting, electricity
-Excavation and Fill calculations - flow rate and velocity, dosage, wet well operation, installation costs
-Wastewater Treatment calculations - volumetric and rate problems, area, BOD, Food to micro-organism ratio (F/M ratio), air flow and blowers, dosage, mixing.
-Everyday Mathematics - applications, applications at home, investments (savings accounts and bonds)
Materials for this course will be mailed out upon registration with an email confirmation. It consists of a manual and participant workbook (combined) and 9 unit review lessons to send in via e-mail for grading.
Registrants have a maximum of one year from receipt of the material to complete this course.
$460.00 Must have current AWWOA Membership
$560.00 Non-Members