5.0 CEUs
*WAITLIST IS OPEN* The waitlist for the Edmonton offering on April 28 & 29, May 12 & 13, 2025 is open. Click "Register for Course" and follow the prompts to add yourself to the waitlist. Spots are still available in the Calgary offering on April 28 & 29, May 12 & 13, 2025.
This course is available in three formats: in-class (4 days total), online or home study. It meets the mandatory entry level training requirements as described by the Alberta Environment provincial Certification Guidelines.
The in-class course is split into two parts (two days each), and provides information on the operation of all Class I systems or facilities. It is intended as qualified preparation for the Level I provincial certification exams in all disciplines.
NOTE: Applicants who wish to write the certification exam must qualify and MUST apply to the Alberta Environment Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Portal (Compliance365) during the application window for exams (approvals every two months). To qualify, successful completion of this course must be achieved prior to the submission of the online certification exam application and the course completion certificate must be uploaded with the application. Applicants will also need one year of recognized experience to qualify for certification status.
If you are not yet able to meet the requirements for Level I certification, but would like to challenge the Level I exam and you are a resident of Alberta, please contact Alberta Environment or review the requirements in the Certification Guidelines document. Successfully challenging the exam does NOT constitute certification. Once ALL eligibility requirements have been met, the operator can then apply for certification online through the Alberta Environment Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Portal.
The CEUs from this course can be used toward the following discipline(s) for certification renewal:
- Water treatment
- Water distribution
- Wastewater treatment
- Wastewater collection
For additional certification information, please contact Alberta Environment at 780-427-7713 or 780-405-0437 or email: WaterandWastewaterOperatorCert@gov.ab.ca
Dates & Locations
- Session #3
- Apr 28, 2025 8:00am - Apr 29, 2025 4:00pm & May 12, 2025 8:00am - May 13, 2025 4:00pm
- Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre - 11727 Kingsway Ave - Edmonton
- Session #4
- Apr 28, 2025 8:00am - Apr 29, 2025 4:00pm & May 12, 2025 8:00am - May 13, 2025 4:00pm
- Hotel Blackfoot - 5940 Blackfoot Trail SE - Calgary
There are no prerequisites to take this training.
Course Completion Exam:
At the end of the course a completion exam will be given. It consists of 50 questions and an overall minimum of 70% is needed to achieve a passing grade. If unsuccessful, one rewrite will be allowed. Please note this is a coarse completion exam not the provincial certification exam.
Delivery Formats
Online, Home Study, In Class
Topics include:
- Introduction - operator certification, regulatory requirements, operator responsibility, Canadian Operator Certification Best Practices.
- Safety - programs, construction/plant/electrical safety, chemical handling, safety equipment, confined space entry.
- Basic Technical Skills - basic math review, calculating area/surface/volume, basic hydraulics/chemistry/electricity, microbiology.
- Support Systems - electric systems and motors, pumps, drives, engines, compressors, comminutors, valves, control and instrumentation.
- Administration - planning/organization, maintenance, plans, records, personnel, public relations, financial management.
- Water Supply & Treatment - hydrologic cycle, surface water sources, groundwater wells, filtration, iron and manganese, taste and odour control, chlorination, fluoridation, scaling and corrosion, process waste disposal, basic laboratory tests.
- Water Distribution - water main, pipe installation, valves and hydrants, storage reservoirs, distribution piping and pumphouses.
- Wastewater Collection - sanitary sewer mains, operation and maintenance, lift stations, force mains.
- Wastewater Treatment - stabilization ponds, treatment processes and factors, design considerations, physical description, control structures, operations, maintenance of stabilization ponds, aerated waste stabilization ponds, sampling.
- Glossary and appendices included.
In-Class: A manual and workbook will be mailed approximately one month prior to the course start date (or shortly after date of registration if less than one month) and MUST be completed as directed (approximately 15 hours of pre-reading before each of the two sessions). You will receive an email to confirm your address information. The instructor(s) will provide any other relevant course material in class. *Registrants must be prepared to attend both parts (4 days total) of the course and to complete assigned work prior to both parts.
Home study: Materials will be mailed upon registration. Confirmation of this will be emailed.
Online: Course materials are available immediately upon registration through AWWOA online profile. Further instructions and information about the course are emailed after registration.
$550.00 Must have current AWWOA Membership
$650.00 Non-Members
$412.50 (For in-class courses only) Must have a current AWWOA Membership and be an operator of a small public rural water/wastewater facility.