0.3 CEUs
*WAITLIST OPEN* To add yourself to the waitlist, click "Register for Course" and 'Waitlist" and follow the prompts to add your information.
Asset Management is a focus for public works departments across Canada. The foundation of a strong Asset Management plan is an accurate asset inventory:
- What does the municipality own?
- Where is it located?
- What condition is it in?
- What is the expected remaining life?
- What is the replacement cost?
This workshop will discuss Asset Management concepts for water infrastructure and practical and cost-effective techniques for gathering required field data. Operators can then use this data to more effectively run their systems, as well as implement strategies to extend asset life and functionality.
Detailed case studies will also be shared, showcasing best-practices based on work with more than 150 municipalities across Canada.
Topics include:
- Asset location - using and updating GIS maps for infrastructure location (hydrants, manholes, pipes, etc.)
- Flow monitoring for sanitary and storm sewers
- Corrosion monitoring in sanitary and storm sewers
- Condition assessments, including sewer smoke testing, CCTV inspection, water system leak detection and others
Presenter(s): David Speed and Nelson Marsh, BioMaxx Environmental
The CEUs from this course can be used toward the following discipline(s) for certification renewal:
- Water Treatment
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water Distribution
- Wastewater Collection
Dates & Locations
- Session #6 - SOLD OUT
- Mar 11, 2025 8:30am - Mar 11, 2025 12:00pm
- The Banff Centre - Kinnear Centre Building - 107 Tunnel Mountain Dr - Banff
NOTE: For 2025, all Pre-Seminar Workshops have moved to The Banff Centre! Please see your registration confirmation for more details.
Delivery Formats
Pre-Seminar Workshop